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What currencies can I use to place my order?

We’re pleased to offer you the option to shop in 3 different currencies (all depending on location);. GBP - Great British Pounds. EUR - Euros. USD - United States Dollars. You can select your preferred payment method at checkout. To provide a safe sh

I have a payment problem on my order. What should I do?

If you’re seeing the status ‘Payment Problem’ on one or more of your orders then this means that we need you to check the payment information that has been submitted. Click onto the order and you should see an option to resolve the problem. Before re

Why can I see a transaction pending in my PayPal account?

Once you place an order, the payment will show in your account as pending until we send the products to you. The pending transaction is telling you that the payment is authorised to be taken.

Why can't I add a new payment card?

If you want to add new payment details then you’ll need to do this at the checkout stage. Your new card details will be saved once your order has been placed. This means that next time around you can order your favourite beauty brands with ease. You

How do I use my discount code?

Once you’ve found all the items that you want then click ‘Cart’ icon, you’ll see a box located below your list of items which says ‘Gift Card or Coupon Code’. Add your discount code into this box and click ‘Add’ to apply the discount. If the code doe